Sen. Warren Pushes for Reform of FERC

FERC, as you likely know, is a rogue agency. They are funded by the agencies that they oversee, which creates a serious conflict of interest. So we need to fix FERC. Senator Elizabeth Warren  is co-sponsoring a bill that would give the public more say over projects, like gas pipelines. Though this is a good initiative, it's not likely that this bill pass in time to be of much help for the fight against the compressor station and pipeline.

Alice, of FRRACS, said, “It looks good on paper, but what’s it going to do for us? Where’s the teeth?” “It’s not going to have much of an effect on the situation we have.”

We need more action. Please call and email Senator Warren, Senator Markey, Governor Baker and other leaders and urge them speak out publicly against the compressor station.