MassDEP approves gas turbine over electric for BACT analysis

Back in June, the First Circuit Court vacated Enbridge’s air quality permit, stating that Enbridge had not properly reviewed the BACT (best available control technology) analysis for a gas vs. electric turbine for the compressor station. (You can read the First Circuit court’s June 3 decision here.) An electric turbine would be better than a gas turbine, but Enbridge did not do the proper analysis on this during during the application process. The First Circuit handed the issue off to DEP to review and make a decision on. Well, the DEP’s decision is in, and as you may have guessed, they gave Enbridge the go-ahead on the BACT and is saying that the gas turbine is fine with them. We aren’t surprised, but we are disappointed.

Below are links to all of the documents related to DEP’s final decision and review:

MassDEP’s Final Determination 9.29.2020

MassDEP’s response to public comments (Thank you to everyone who submitted comments — DEP said they received 234 comments)

MassDEP Certificate of Service and Service List

Thomas Cushing pre-filed testimony

Glenn Keith pre-filed testimony