Week of Action, Day 2: Demand that MassDOT perform a Risk Assessment


Thank you for joining us yesterday for the launch of our week of action! To view the full list of action items, click here

Today we are asking you to contact MassDOT to demand that they perform a a much-needed risk assessment. The MassDOT and MBTA Board will be having a meeting on July 27, so we are asking people to submit written comments and voicemails ahead of the meeting. See complete details below.

Take Action:

  1. Send an email to publiccomment@dot.state.ma.us and okane@mbta.com; please copy nocompressor@gmail.com when you send your email - click here for a sample email

  2. Leave a voicemail -- 857-368-1655 -- to Demand a Risk Assessment - click here for a sample voicemail (voicemails will be played during the July 27 meeting)

  3. Tweet at @MassDOT and @MBTA on Twitter! Sample tweets:

    • .@MassDOT @MBTA I demand that you do a risk assessment for the Fore River Bridge and #WeymouthCompressor. You Must provide an update on this initiative at the July 27th joint MassDOT and #MBTA FMCB Meeting #mapoli

    • Our legislators called on @MassDOT to do a risk assessment for the Fore River Bridge & @MBTA Bus Routes and they have not responded to our concerns #mapoli #MBTA https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FRj8Jxvp0IR9tlca9WYmAAN0VK3ibX-N/view

    • We need a risk assessment for @MassDOT's Rt 3A Fore River Bridge and @MBTA's routes 220, 221 and 222. When an accident with an explosion happens, the bridge will be forced open by the Coast Guard so ships can pass through the shipping channel. #MBTA #mapoli #NoWeymouthCompressor

    • On February 25th the Fore River Bridge was stuck open causing major traffic backups at rush hour. People were stuck in their cars for hours. An accident at the compressor would cause major traffic backups and there is no evacuation plan! #mapoli https://twitter.com/FRRACS_MA/status/1232426702158139392

Why are we asking for a risk assessment? The Weymouth Compressor is an explosive risk to our multi-million dollar new Fore River Bridge. A fracked gas pipeline runs directly underneath the supports of the bridge, and the metering and regulating station and compressor station are adjacent to the bridge. 
The major threat this compressor station and pipeline have to our community necessitate that an independent risk assessment be done by MassDOT and the MBTA.
Here’s some quick history: 
On Nov 19, 2019, FRRACS board members spoke out at the MassDOT and MBTA Board meeting requesting a risk assessment for the Fore River Bridge and MBTA bus routes in North Weymouth by the Weymouth Compressor Station.
Furthermore, on February 7, South Shore legislators sent a letter to requesting a Risk Assessment for the Fore River Bridge State Route 3A and MBTA Bus Routes along the Weymouth Compressor Station. 
The construction is almost complete and no risk assessment or evacuation plan has been done. 

Demand that MassDOT do a risk assessment and provide an update on this initiative at the upcoming July 27th MassDOT Board Meeting.

Thank you, Fore River Campers, for all your support. Please continue to share this Week of Action document with your friends and encourage them to take action with you! We will conclude the week with a vigil on the bridge this Friday. And don't forget that you can continue contacting AG Maura Healey. We want her to keep hearing from her constituents! For information about Maura Healey, click here.