5 'Rockers for the Future' block gate to the compressor station

‘Rockers for the Future’ block gate to the Enbridge compressor station to demand "No More Toxic Gas"

Today, five people blocked a gate at the site of the Enbridge gas compressor station in Weymouth. Members of Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station (FRRACS) and their allies are blocking the gate while peacefully sitting in rocking chairs & holding baby dolls, to highlight the need to protect current and future generations from fossil fuel pollution. Signs at their feet read: “No More Toxic Gas”. Jerry, a resident of Weymouth, explains why he is taking action today: “Every standout, every protest, every rally, everything is for my grandkids, their friends and every child on this earth. We need clean air and clean water but most importantly we need to leave this earth a better place for the kids. I will continue to fight for them and all of us.” Globally, we have begun to experience the impacts of climate change. If we continue to expand the use of fracked gas, as we’ve seen with the compressor station, the impact on future generations will be exacerbated. It is time to stop the extraction and burning of fossil fuels.

Local residents and allies are taking action today to remind their communities and their elected officials that the fight against the operation of Enbridge’s Weymouth compressor station in the Fore River Basin is far from over. FRRACS is expanding this message to include a call for the end of toxic gas expansion and usage in the Commonwealth and beyond.

On October 26, 2023, FRRACS presented another appeal before the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), arguing that the Ch. 91 Waterways license had been improperly granted to Enbridge. Following the decision of Judge Leighton of the Superior court to vacate the permit and the concurrence of DEP adjudicator Jane Rothchild of Judge Leighton’s finding that the DEP had erred, Christine Hopps, Assistant Director of Waterways Regulation for the Mass DEP ignored the prior judgements and gave the permit back to Enbridge based solely on the information provided to her from Enbridge.

Nathan Phillips, an ally and one of the 'rockers', stated: “The Massachusetts DEP and Governor Healey can still be the environmental champions we need them to be, by denying the Chapter 91 Waterways Permit, a permit granted only to facilities requiring waterfront siting, a condition this compressor clearly fails to meet. Governor Healey said she’d be watching this case “like a hawk” but the truth is, our Governor and DEP just needs to be able to read the plain language of the law to make the right decision: Deny the Permit! No More Toxic Gas!”

On September 18, 2023, Enbridge (operating as Algonquin Gas Transmission LLC), announced an open season—a request for customers—on a new gas pipeline expansion named Project Maple. The open season ended on November 14. At this time, Enbridge will be considering whether to pursue this expansion or stop the proposed project. Information is incomplete at this time, but the maps provided by Enbridge indicate an expansion of the Weymouth compressor station and the possibility of an LNG storage facility in Acushnet.

Denial of the Ch. 91 Waterways permit would preclude Enbridge’s operation of the station and could prevent any further expansions such as Project Maple.

On the September 26, 2023, Boston Public Radio program with Jim Braude and Margery Eagan, Gov. Healey responded to a caller regarding gas expansion with this statement: “No new fossil fuel power plants. No new fossil fuel transmission lines, ok? We don’t want any of those pipelines.” FRRACS calls on Gov. Healey and her administration to remember those words as Enbridge pursues Project Maple from New York through New England.

Alice Arena, President of FRRACS, stated, “In this time of climate crisis, we no longer have the luxury of pacifying the fossil fuel industry and allowing them to continue their literal scorched earth policies. As our ‘rockers for the future’ demand, no more toxic gas!

Photos of the rally are available here.

The ‘Rockers for the Future’ explain why they took action today:

“Every standout, every protest, every rally, everything is for my grandkids, their friends and every child on this earth. We need clean air and clean water but most importantly we need to leave this earth a better place for the kids. I will continue to fight for them and all of us. We need officials who will fight for us too. I will continue to help elect people who do what they say and not just say what they'll do.” - Jerry


“Why am I here today? My name is Rachel Wyon. I am a mother, a retired teacher, member of a faith community and an active community member working for peace and justice, clean air and a livable climate for all our children. I am part of the larger movement to make sure we stop the extraction and reduce the transportation and burning of fossil fuels immediately. We call on our elected officials to enact policies for the just and rapid transition to a cleaner, renewable energy economy. More pipelines exacerbate our existing fracked methane gas dependence, raise our energy bills, and harm our communities, all while ensuring big profits for faraway investors like Enbridge. In addition, increased methane in our atmosphere affects the melting of the Antarctic ice sheets, which will cause rapid sea level rise in Massachusetts and around the globe. I am here with FRRACS to stand in solidarity with each other. I will help to organize, mobilize, and take action to make sure that Project Maple is never built - and that Enbridge’s pipeline system in the Northeast is ultimately shut down once and for all.” Rachel 


“I am deeply honored to be here in solidarity with the Fore River Residents Against the Compressor Station. From day one of their nearly decade-long struggle for justice, this community and its wide network of allies have shown DEP and two different Governors what true environmental protection and climate leadership is. The Massachusetts DEP and Governor Healey can still be the environmental champions we need them to be, by denying the Chapter 91 Waterways Permit, a permit granted only to facilities requiring waterfront siting, a condition this compressor clearly fails to meet. Governor Healey said she’d be watching this case “like a hawk” but the truth is, our Governor and DEP just needs to be able to read the plain language of the law to make the right decision: Deny the Permit! No More Toxic Gas!” Nathan 


“My name is Amanda Nash, I came from Western Mass to show up for Weymouth and against Project Maple. I'm here to demonstrate my continuing disgust at the oil & gas industry for shoving their planet-destroying infrastructure down the throats of powerless people (people who they have made powerless with their inordinate profits and the complicity of "our" government). Corporate America has become increasingly successful at talking out of both sides of their mouths, advertising their "green"ness and claiming to be looking out for our health and wellbeing, yet so obviously having no goal except to make a sh!tload of money for a small number of overprivileged, depraved people. Until society comes to value health, community, and our ecosystem, there will always be people like me, hoping to be a wrench in the works of business as usual.” Amanda

 “I want to believe it’s still possible to redirect our culture, which is currently headed for an unsustainable dead end.” Charlie


Footage of the rally, filmed by Robert Lamothe: