PIP Meeting Recap - June 7, 2023

It's time once again, Campers, for another Public Involvement Plan (PIP) meeting!

This meeting covered Enbridge's plan to control erosion on the eastern side of the property and, possibly, do some cleaning up on the beach. The report is over 800 pages long, but you can read it here.

This meeting was intended to give us information on the three plans that TRC has come up with. Comments can be sent to James Doherty, PE, LSP, at TRC Environmental Corporation, 650 Suffolk Street, Lowell, MA 01854 or emailed to
WeymouthCompressorStation@trccompanies.com no later than June 21, 2023.

Mike Lang gave expert testimony at the Public Involvement Program (PIP) meeting last night (June 7, 2023) held at the Abigail Adams Middle School. He not only read the 853 page report Enbridge Gas hired TRC to make, but made comments on their proposal to "fix" the eroding shore at the compressor site. You can watch a clip of his testimony on Facebook here.

Rachel Wencek gave expert testimony on the flaws in the Enbridge hired study of aquatic invertebrates in the shore abutting the compressor station. DEP was concerned with the impact of the toxins nickel and vanadium and requested Enbridge to do a study. They did although Rachel said it would get an "F" in any of her undergrad courses! You can watch a clip on Facebook here.