Gov. Healey says no new fossil fuel power plants

During the September 26, 2023, segment of “Ask the Governor” on GBH’s Boston Public Radio, Governor Healey was asked why the state is still supporting the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure, despite the state’s climate plan to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030. In response she said, “No new fossil fuel power plants. No new fossil fuel transmission lines, ok? We don’t want any of those pipelines.” (Boston Public Radio, beginning at 02:41:45). We applaud this response and will hold the Governor accountable to her commitment of no new fossil fuels.

Many thanks to members of Extinction Rebellion for their question, and for keeping the pressure on state leaders.

In addition to the unnecessary operation of the compressor station, there has been news about a new Enbridge project called “Project Maple”. Though not much is known about the project currently, we do know that any expansion of fracked gas or other fossil fuels will exacerbate the climate crisis. If Project Maple moves forward, it could lead to the expansion of turbines at the compressor station. Currently, Enbridge is in “open season” for Project Maple, which means they are seeking customers who would buy the additional gas. We have voiced our opposition to the project proposal and we hope Gov. Healey will stick to her commitment of “no new fossil fuel[s]”.